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South Korea in Kim Jong Un’s trap

Peace, Olympic games, easing of tensions, opening of the communication routes between Pyongyang and Seoul; but will be in trouble the one who nominates the atomic weapons which North Korea owns. In short, here it is what happened and is happening in these hours at “Peace village” beside the 38th parallel. Kim, taking advantage of […]

Evo 2: Una Rivoluzione nell’Intelligenza Artificiale per la Biologia Sintetica

A naval block to Kim’s oil? China in front of crossroads

Namp’o: this is the name you have to remember. Because Namp’o is the maritime terminal from which arrives most of the oil that is necessary to the survival and development of the country led by Kim Jong Un.
Many think that oil supplies come to Korea by land from the Chinese border, but actually the main […]

Evo 2: Una Rivoluzione nell’Intelligenza Artificiale per la Biologia Sintetica

Iran: Square protests against the Ayatollah Theocracy

Tonight, the second day of protests against the theocratic Ayatollah’s government, we inform you about what is happening in numerous Iranian cities. First of all, we have to evidence that the protests are coordinated among many cities, manifestations characterized by the similarity of the requests and the form of protests; this lead us to think […]

Evo 2: Una Rivoluzione nell’Intelligenza Artificiale per la Biologia Sintetica

Allemagne et Grèce deux poids deux mesures

Il manque quelques heures au referendum grec, on fera donc une dernière réflexion, á notre avis déterminante et plutôt importante. L’Union Européenne n’est plus qu’un vague souvenir décadent . L’idée de solidarité non seulement est disparue mais est activement combattue. Par qui direz vous? Par l’Europe du Nord principalement.  Devant les souffrances d’un peuple entier […]

Immigration: le chavirement du sommet européen

Inutile de faire des jeux de mots, la réunion urgente de l’Union Européenne pour la gestion de l’immigration et de la question libique a misérablement échoué. Aucun accord sur la distribution des immigrés sur la totalité de l’Europe, aucun pont aérien vers le nord Europe, seulement un petit (et totalement insuffisant) surplus de fonds destinés […]