Il parlamento iraniano vuole l’ultima parola sull’accordo riguardante il programma atomico
Il parlamento della Repubblica islamica iraniana ha promulgato poche ore fa una legge che prevede l’obbligatorietà di un passaggio parlamentare per qualsiasi trattato internazionale firmato dal governo riguardante i “diritti atomici” dell’Iran.La legge fortemente avversata, almeno formalmente, dal Presidente iraniano Rohani, è una evidente e forte presa di posizione del parlamento a riguardo dell’accordo che potrebbe essere sottoscritto, nei primi giorni di luglio, tra Iran e Stati Uniti.
Una analoga mossa era stata messa in atto alcune settimane fa dal congresso americano il quale ha promulgato una legge che consente al Senato di avere l’ultima parola sul negoziato condotto in questi 6 anni dalla Casa Bianca del Presidente Obama.
La conclusione dei negoziati riguardanti il programma atomico iraniano è prevista per il 30 giugno. Fonti ben informate riferiscono che la data limite per i colloqui potrà essere spostata alla metà del mese di luglio prossimo venturo.
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Left-wing German politician and former finance minister Oskar Lafontaine had some harsh words for the US on its politics concerning Russia and Ukraine. He has also called on the EU to oppose Washington.
In a Facebook post which cannot be quoted fully quote due to strong language, Lafontaine, whose latest political post was co-chairman of the democratic socialist party The Left, called US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter the “Secretary of War”, and Washington’s policies “imperialism.”
“Fuck the US-Imperialism” – US-“Verteidigungs-” also -Kriegsminister in BerlinDer US-Kriegsminister ruft die Europäer…Posted by Oskar Lafontaine on 22 Июнь 2015 г.
“The US Secretary of War calls on Europeans to confront the Russian ‘aggression’,” Lafontaine writes after a strongly-worded introduction. “The Europeans have every reason to oppose the US aggression.”
Lafontaine then cites the “Grand Master of US diplomacy” George Kennan, who served as US ambassador to the Soviet Union in the 1950s and to Yugoslavia in the 1960s. Kennan “described the eastward expansion of NATO as the biggest mistake of the US foreign policy after the Second World War,” Lafontaine writes, “because they have resulted in a new Cold War.”
“The US diplomat Victoria Nuland said, we have spent more than five billion dollars to destabilize Ukraine,” Lafontaine’s Facebook post goes on, presumably referring to Nuland’s February 2014 statement that since 1991, Washington invested $5 billion in “democratic institutions” in Ukraine.
Lafontaine also reminds readers of a leaked phone call where Nuland allegedly said “f**k the EU” to the US ambassador in Kiev, and concludes: “You continue to play with fire, and Europe has paid with revenue declines in trade with Russia and the loss of jobs … We need a European foreign policy that restrains the warmongering US imperialism!”